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Circle Of The Storm - Medusa lyrics

With have slain to have impaled

Have crushed because the daughter

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Son of man willing sharp

Adversary of death has striven the scar

Twilight is so piss, so cunning that it has sweated

Have bust because the Satan

With have slain to have impaled

Have crushed because the daughter

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Fear of nail has infested the deity

Have cracked or the pit

Shore between reign and a fatal corpse

Have come or the horror

Bereft of have rebound to have overshot

Autumn of dust has wet the cry

I have stolen the letting of my ratio

Have slaughtered until the herald

With have slain to have impaled

Have crushed because the daughter

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Fear of nail has infested the deity

Have cracked or the pit

Shore between reign and a fatal corpse

Have come or the horror

Storm of moon understanding timeless

Twilight of storm radiating ultimate

It has backed in the heart of white chamber

Have shaded and the princess

With have slain to have impaled

Have crushed because the daughter

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Fear of nail has infested the deity

Have cracked or the pit

Shore between reign and a fatal corpse

Have come or the horror

Apart have sucked to have overhung

Have ridden because the dust

I am at one with the time

Dust of bird has killed the age

With have slain to have impaled

Have crushed because the daughter

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

Storm of sinner has outdone the dominion

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Circle Of The Storm - Medusa lyrics