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Lee Ellis - The Violet Flame lyrics

I stand inside the Violet Flame

Hear the Heavens call my name

And all I choose to not retain

Burns in the love from whence it came

All the loss and past regret

All the deeds I can’t forget

Served a purpose in the game

Now they returns unto the Flame

Saint Germain, Keeper of the Flame

Knows no judgment and no blame

In oblivion or fame, we are One

We are all the same

In the flame of light, there is no wrong, there is no right

No below and no above, there is only Love

Every dawn begins anew

Another path I get to choose

Another morn another hour

A fresh unfolding of the power

Every choice begins again

Every thought says that “I am”

And every feeling in my heart

Gets a chance to play it's part.

Once again the purpose in the plan,

We are all the great “I am”

No beginning and no end

Neither enemy nor friend

Destiny, is in my hands

And in my faith, I surely stand

Inside the Violet Flame

Hear the Heavens call my name

And in the end, there is no blame

I am the Love from whence it came

The Flame of Light, no wrong, no right

No below no above, there is only Love and Light

No wrong no right, no below and no above, there is only Love


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Lee Ellis - The Violet Flame lyrics