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David Bowden - I Have A Confession To Make lyrics

I have a confession to make. Grace is more racy than homosexuality, more

Full of life than teenage pregnancy more captivating than pornography.

Grace is far more potent than anything that could make us guilty. But we

Treat grace like a child when we hide our sin and question its ability.

I have a confession to make, the measure of a Christian is not how well

Their sin is hidden, or how many church services they have attended or how

Low the number of transgressions they've committed is. The measure of a

Christian, is hidden in Christ of whom they have been given. I have a

Confession to make, there is now no condemnation for those who are in

Christ Jesus and that goes for the gossip as well as the alcoholic, the

Greedy as well as those in adultery, yhe apathetic as well as the addict,

The judgmental as well as the homosexual. We’re all looking for something

We can throw at anyone whose sin looks worse than our own, but we are all

Sinners; we’ve all been exposed, so none of us are left with even a

Single stone.

I have a confession to make; anyone who calls themselves a Christian makes

The ultimate confession, for Christ did not come for the healthy but for

Those who needed medication. The prostitutes, murderers, and those in

Rehabilitation, so if you claim to be a Christian, you claim to be in need

Of powerful salvation.

I have a confession to make; we are all trapped in shame, till we give sin

A name. For we all play this game where we try to look the same by

Modifying and hiding our behavior so no one can see our sin and make us a

Stranger. But what we don’t realize is that we are in danger, for if we

Live like we have no sin, then we live like we need no savior.

I have a confession to make, my eyes, lips, and mind are stained in

Unclean from images, drinks, and words that would have condemned me, but I

Am not saved because I am perfect, or have my sin under control. I am saved

Because I need saving and that is the Gospel.

I have a confession to make, you no longer have to hide, for God has seen

Everything that you are and still came for you and died. It doesn't matter

If everyone rejects you; you are still His spotless bride. So come join me

In confession, where we still every brother’s suspicion, every sister’s

Suggestion. Because we have stepped fully in the light without any

Hesitation, no longer can we hide nor do we feel the inclination. For

Freedom is far better than staying in incarceration, so come, make your

Confession and rob sin of its power. For what strength does it have if

It’s shame’s been devoured. Come, make your confession and make room

For the healing. Both for yourself and for others with whom your very sin

They have been dealing. Come make a confession and rid the church of its

Judges. For if everyone is confessing, there is no room to make judgements.

I have a confession to make, God is not condemning, and we should not be

Trying to play His role. Let us start to pick up our cross instead of our

Stones. Hurl rocks of Gospel at each other instead of blows. Open our

Mouths to confess and forgive, instead of keeping them closed and overlook

The spec in another’s eye, so we can attend to the plank in our own. I

Have a confession to make, and church, it’s time you made yours too. For

Christ did not die so that we may hide, but to love us in spite of the

Wrong we do, so come speak your sins on the altar of confession. It doesn't

Matter if the world says you’re condemned, because all God speaks, is



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David Bowden - I Have A Confession To Make lyrics