Brother, did you read the news?
They said that the ghosts have come, and they’re looking for you – they’re whispering…
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
Every night, they’ll try to find their way,
To get inside your mind, until they’ve had their say – they’re whispering…
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
I heard they found, what they’re looking for
But to break down the door, was harder than they thought – they’re whispering…
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
The light, the light from above, always gleams for the soul that looks to the sky
So keep your head high, and try to dream, before they take you inside
Your time is now, to find your peace
In the world you know, the one you’ve always seen – they’re whispering…
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
The light, the light from above, always gleams for the soul that looks to the sky
So keep your head high, and try to dream, before they take you inside
And now they scream! -
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
“Who are you?” They’re coming after you.
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