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Joe Perry - 4 Guns West lyrics

Four guns west, this is not a test

A hawk is about to fly

San Diego, L. A., San Francisco yesterday

Rocking up a scene big time

Rode into town and loose with a sound

There's no doubt who's the best

High noon came on the trail again

Fastest guns in the West

Book 'em baby

No absence of malice we rode into Dallas

Our chambermaids didn't object

But the ladies in Austin, lord it was exhausting

Running with us neck and neck we had 'em in rage,

We blew them off the stage

In Wichita Falls next night

We saw, we conquered, we came,

Texas won't be the same

Four guns are our midnight

Here they come

East we ride, wanted dead or alive

In Tampa Bay, the stage was set

We had to make bail to spring the gang out of jail

Manatee county can't forget

Take your pistol off the wall

And heed the twilight call Cincinnati is under attack

There's blood on the walls, cops in the halls

See you when we get back

Golden Gate bridge

Now hold on!

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Joe Perry - 4 Guns West lyrics