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Ever Since July - Under The Stars lyrics

Honey please know

My feelings ever since July

Were a lie

I don't want to come home

I don't need or want your help

To see or believe

I know you need me to tell you something more

But truth is

It will always be her I adore

Our one night romance

Was just that

Please believe this one truth

I'd rather you stay at the moon

The stars were beautiful that night

And I know you've put up a fight

I'm tired of hearing the same old thing

The promises made mean nothing to me

It's her

Yes her that brings me to my knees

The kiss in the rain

Well it was nice

But again my love

So is rice...

Ever since July

You've believed in my lies

Thanks for the memories

But I'd rather hang myself from a ceiling fan

Than have you beg once more

Just remember dear

It's her I adore

I adore

I adore


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Ever Since July - Under The Stars lyrics