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Akon - Mandela lyrics

Mandela mandela when will they set you free

Why it has taken so long is a mystery

We've got the power to help in your hour of need

When will they do what is right so the world can see

I know we can do it we can make a difference

We've got to come to it cause it just don't make no since

I'm tired of talkin' cause it's got to be a way for the people

Freedom's gonna come someday

Mandela mandela


Mandela mandela


Mandela mandela what do they want from you

There's nothing more you can say nothing more to do

We that are free are the one's who should see your plight

All that I'm asking

It's time to just do what is right

Mandela mandela


Mandela mandela


Stop procrastinating cause we've waited long enough

To much hesitating and it makes it twice as tough

I know one thing though we have got to find a way

For the people freedom's gonna find a way

Mandela mandela


Mandela mandela



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Akon - Mandela lyrics