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Heatmiser - Pop In G lyrics

Mic city sons

Seem to dumb everything down

I got wished a lot of luck

And I'll tell you what it's worth now

It's a cold-blooded style

Never was worth while

You're as good as they come

But you're such a fucking trial

You went and called me up

Do you bother me on purpose?

You make me feel like I'm half my age

And at least twice as nervous

You go out whistling Sweet Caroline

And I'm being a big pain

'Cos I never speak my mind

It's a miracle how

No offense is taken

But I'm full of them, man

Any time you feel up to face them

You go drink your problems still

A statue in the barroom

You've got feelings left to kill

Yeah, I won't forget it too soon

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Heatmiser - Pop In G lyrics